It’s one of the most important days of your life so you want it to be perfect, and we get that. But we want to let you in on some must-knows about your wedding day. Read on for three very important things to note.

Benjamin Martin Photography

One: Something will go wrong…and that’s okay.

Every single wedding has something go awry. If you have a wedding planner, you may not even know it happened until after the fact. But just prepare for something to go wrong and go with the flow! Ultimately when the day is done, you will be married and that is the most important thing.

Two: Remember why you’re getting married.

Weddings are important, but ultimately it’s about the marriage. Remember why you’re getting married: You love your significant other! You could have the best or worst wedding and you would still love each other. Don’t let the busyness of the wedding day distract from this. Plan in some time for just the two of you. Whether that’s a few minutes after the ceremony, time while eating dinner, or while you’re taking photos, spend time together. This will help you focus on each other and remember why you’re having a wedding in the first place.

Three: Four hours is more than enough time for your wedding reception.

You may think you need five or even six hours for your reception, but even with a cocktail hour, four hours is more than enough. That still allows for an hour for dinner and formalities like toasts and cake cutting. Which still leaves two-three hours for dancing! Even your friends who are the life of the party may need a break from the dance floor by then. You can always have an after party for the guests who are still having fun at a local bar or hotel. The main thing is you don’t want guests to become bored at your wedding. You want them to leave wanting more.

While your wedding day will go fast, it will be a really good day. Just remember these must-knows about your wedding day and you’ll be set!

Wedding Advice

Must-Knows About Your Wedding Day