Let’s talk wedding day hair and makeup. The way your hair and makeup look on your wedding day has the power to make you feel truly beautiful, but it can also easily become a source of frustration if not handled with care.

This is why we are tackling this topic with expert Adrianne Brooks of Whiplash Beauty. Whiplash Beauty specializes in bridal glam. In fact, Adrianne has perfected her craft by training in Dallas and Los Angeles after completing Beauty College. Yet, she doesn’t let her learning stop there! She is always keeping up with the latest trends while staying true to the roots of hair and makeup must-do’s and don’ts.

So without further ado, let’s tackle the do’s and don’t of wedding day hair and makeup.

Wedding Day Hair and Makeup | Photography by Jayce Keil

The Do’s of Wedding Hair & Makeup


By having a hair and makeup trial, you’re able to see how well your hair holds through the day as well as how your skin reacts to the makeup.

Ask Adrianne: How should you prepare for your hair trial?

“Usually, in the trial, we will go over your hair type and how to come prepared for the day. We don’t always love “day old” or “dirty hair.” For some Brides, fresh hair is better! Others, one day dirty is better. Each Bride is different and we love to customize an approach that works best for her. We do ask that all Brides & Bridal party show up with dry hair. It gets very loud, hot, and can be time consuming on a packed day to have hairdryers going!”

Ask Adrianne: How should you prepare for your makeup trial?

“I love for a Bride to come with a clean face OR a face that has been moisturized at least an hour beforehand. We use techniques that will ensure your makeup will last all day and sometimes, too much skin prep can compromise the effectiveness of our products. On a normal day – yes – do your entire skincare routine! But this is a special day and we might do things slightly different than normal.”


It’s essential that during your hair and makeup trial (and even on your wedding day!) that you speak up if you don’t like something. Your stylist will not be offended as they are there to truly make you feel your best. If they left to later find out that you weren’t happy, it would break their heart. And, we’re truly being serious here. Wedding vendors want you to be be happy with their services and we can’t fix what we don’t know is an issue.

Ask Adrianne: Can you share about the importance of speaking up?

“Don’t be afraid to speak up! We are here to support you in the best day of your life! Most of our Brides come from out of state and we don’t know your everyday look and what you feel most comfortable with. I tell all my Brides “Hair comes down, Makeup comes off!” we easily change any aspect of your look at ANY time! If you don’t walk down the aisle feeling the BEST version of YOU, then I haven’t done my job and I LOVE my job and want to do it well!


Take pictures from different angles of your wedding day hair and makeup trial. This allows both you and your stylist to easily reference your trial on the actual day of your wedding.


If you and your stylists schedules align, we recommend having your hair and makeup trial at the same time of day that you will be actually have your wedding day hair and makeup. The reason for this is that you can see how both hold up throughout the day and evening.


Believe it or not, your dress style will contribute to your overall look on your wedding day. Talk with your stylist if you’re torn between styles. They’ll be able to help direct in what will compliment your dress as well as your face structure, and more!


If you’re getting married during a month that is particularly windy and having an outdoor ceremony, you mind find that you don’t want a down-do.


This is self explanatory, but it’s nice to work with the items that you will be using on your wedding day so you get the best visual.


Having printed out pictures that your stylist can use for reference to get an overall feel for what you like helps tremendously. Plus, your stylist can keep the printed photos with your file.

Wedding Day Hair and Makeup | Photography by Lela & Lyla

The Don’ts of Wedding Hair & Makeup

01. Don’t dye or cut your hair too close to your wedding day

Another self-explanatory tip here but don’t dye or cut your hair too close to your wedding. We all love fresh hair, but adding highlights, etc. to close to your wedding day that can alter your overall look close to your wedding day could cause stress.

Consider scheduling you hair appointment approximately two and a half to three weeks prior to your wedding day.

Ask Adrianne: Can we talk about eyebrows and pesky lip and chin hairs for a quick second? How far in advance should a bride have her eyebrows waxed?

“I recommend 5 days to a week. Just in case of any mishaps! Also, makeup won’t adhere to freshly waxed skin, so try to get any waxing done in advance. Ironically, eyebrow wax is the #1 thing that I’ve found that Brides forget to do before their wedding day! (totally fine if you forget too; makeup can hide a multitude of sins!)”

03. Don’t pick heavy accessories that could cause headaches

We don’t often think about the weight of jewelry, veils, and hairpieces, but you definitely should for your wedding day. You’ll be wearing these items for a longer time period than normal.

04. Don’t do your own HMUA 

Here’s the thing. We’ve heard it more than not that bride’s think they can cut costs by doing their hair and makeup. And while yes, you save money, I promises if you were to splurge anywhere we recommend your and makeup. Professional artists know how to prepare your hair and makeup for photos, the hot sun, and other factors you won’t even begin to thing about. We seriously can’t stress this enough! Hire a professional when it comes to your hair and makeup!

Ask Adrianne: How can you combat sweat for wedding day hair and makeup?

“I have actually developed my own line of setting and primer sprays that really adhere to the skin and makeup for longevity – great for sweat AND tears. Dabbing is key here! We dab the sweat, dab the tears — never rub. We cannot stop the sweat, but I can make sure you look fabulous if and when you do sweat!”


Ask Adrianne: We can’t forgot about the groom! How far in advance should he cut his hair and give his facial hair (if applicable) a trim?

“I would suggest a week before. Again, just in case of any mishaps! This will allow the hair to settle if it is cut too short. Facial hair should be groomed on the day of the wedding. Just be extra careful – no cuts!”

What about Spray Tans and Other Hair and Makeup Advice???

Ask Adrianne: What is one piece of advice you wish you could share with the masses?

“Really think through your Bridal glam “look” from start to finish. Many Brides think that they need to have a
“look” on their wedding day that is completely different from their everyday look. And that is great if they do! BUT if you don’t feel comfortable doing something completely different, then stick to your favorite everyday look. It’s OKAY! The most important thing is to feel your most beautiful and confident – no matter what that look is!”

Ask Adrianne: Do you offer spray tans, too? Even if no, how far in advance should a bride get a spray tan?

“We do not offer spray tans. You need to do your spray tan 1-2 days before your wedding day. This will allow the tan to fully develop and then you will have time to rinse the bronzer off as well, so that your beautiful skin can glow! FACES are important here! I recommend a light spray or one pass for faces. If your face is too dark, it is hard to get dimension in your makeup and can look muddy.”

Questions to Ask Your HMUA Artist Before You Book:

  • Do they offer both hair and makeup or just specialize in one or the other?
  • If applicable are you comfortable with different ethnicities?
  • What brand of makeup do you use?
  • Do you bring makeup or am I responsible for the makeup?
  • Do you provide lash extensions? 
  • What hair product do you use? 
  • If the product doesn’t hold my hair well after our trial are you okay with doing another trial with different product? 
  • Is it just you on the wedding day or do you bring an assistant? 
  • Do you help provide a schedule for makeup and hair for the wedding day?
  • Do you stay on-site until the ceremony? 
  • Do you offer onsite HMUA at the wedding venue or does my wedding party have to come to your salon?
  • What does your average cliental spend with you and what does it include? 
  • Do you provide HMUA for other than the bride and wedding party (i.e. mothers, grandmothers, flower girls, etc.)?
  • What is your preferred method of payment?
  • Do you charge travel fees for both bridals location and wedding location? 
  • How far in advance should I book?
  • How do I book? 
  • Are you able to work with skin allergies or severe acne? 
  • Do you only book my wedding or do you book multiple events in one day?

Whew! That’s a wrap on do’s and don’ts of wedding hair and makeup. We hope this blog truly becomes a guide for you as you start researching your bridal day look.

And, of course, we highly recommend Adrianne and her team over at Whiplash Beauty so make sure to send them a message to learn more about their offerings!

Wedding Advice

Wedding Day Hair and Makeup with Adrianne Brooks of Whiplash Beauty